Friday, February 26, 2010

Landing An A320 With Nose Gear At 90 Degrees

The nose gear of this JetBlue flight was locked in the turn position, i.e., as one would turn the steering wheel in a car to make a super hard left turn. For fear of a devistating crash the pilot had to land the plane safely on the ground without crashing the nose of the plane.

The pilot of this plane had a very steady hand, and is one heck of a pilot. He stayed right on that center line all the way down the runway which is super hard to do under the circumstances.

Take a look at the tires & wheels at the end of the video. It gives you a clue as to how easy he let that nose wheel down at the very end as opposed to dropping it early and having the whole wheel shaft be ripped from the plant. He kept the nose up as long as he could and safely landed the plane preventing a major catastrophe.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I saw this. This is how airplane mishaps should end. No needs to make it dramatic and a disaster.
