Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I have been getting a lot of gruff lately since I have been deleting everyone from my emails, messengers, phone, and Facebook that have distanced themselves. You can only try to keep in contact with someone in a one sided relationship for so long before you get annoyed and bothered by it.

I have a few people that are upset because I deleted them off of Facebook. Facebook for me is a place to keep in contact with my friends that I see or chat to that want to see and chat to me. It is for my friends that put an effort forth to have me as a friend in their life.

Once someone becomes an acquiantence and stops contacting me or writing me back or emailing me back I get frustrated and hurt so they get the delete.

"I AM SOOO BUSY". It takes half a second to send a text back saying HI. I know everyone has felt it at one point or another and it sucks. Especially when they say they are soo busy and then you see them partying it up on Facebook and going out all over town and they don't even extend an invitation.

I guess true friends are there during the ups and the downs. It is a nice way to weed through the crap and with 2010 as a fresh new year, the cleanup has begun. Then I can see where I can add some new friends. Out with the old and in with the new. I am too good of a person for people to drag me down.

Just had to vent...

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