Sunday, June 13, 2010

My spiritual enlightenment

So today we made a rare trip to the All Saint's Church in Pasadena for some spiritual enlightening and some positive energy. We have been going through some stuff and when times get rough a trip to church seems to balance things out.
The All Saint's Church is a great place to be when you are gay. The church does not discriminate and when prop 8 passed in California they were first on the news making it clear that they are free from discrimination and they did not support the proposition.

The congregation is probably 25% homosexual and people don't seem to mind. The church does not preach being CHRISTIAN they preach being CHRISTS. They want you to not judge people and to accept people. It was just a great experience there and I felt the comfort of my Grandma today as I sat there and prayed. I miss her so much and I pray to hear her voice again and feel her touch. It has been 2 years now and every time I think of her my eyes fill up with tears and I break down.

In church today I was just thinking of her and praying to her and hoping everything is ok and she is happy and I know she is always with me since I feel her presence. ALSO, I have heard her call my name which made me nervous at first but soothed me afterwards. I just miss her and wish I still had her and that Gustavo could have met her because I know they would have gotten along very well since they are both amazing people!!!

The church is amazing inside and the stain glass is gorgeous.

1 comment:

  1. Very touching & super sweet. Made me smile & gives hope in a way. A positive post :-)
